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Unleash Compression Power with 7-Zip on Linux: Installation and Usage Guide

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Linux 7zip
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7-Zip is a robust and versatile file compression tool that provides exceptional compression ratios while supporting a wide range of archive formats. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of 7-Zip on Linux, exploring its features, installation process, and practical usage scenarios.

What is 7-Zip?

7-Zip is an open-source file archiver utility that excels at compressing files and creating archives. It stands out for its high compression ratio and support for various archive formats, making it an invaluable tool for reducing file sizes and organizing data.


Getting started with 7-Zip on Linux is a breeze. Depending on your Linux distribution, you can use the package manager to install it.

For Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install p7zip-full p7zip-rar

For CentOS/RHEL:

sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install p7zip p7zip-plugins

For Arch based:

sudo pacman -S p7zip

For Gentoo:

sudo emerge -av app-arch/p7zip

Basic Usage

Once installed, you can harness 7-Zip’s capabilities using the command-line interface. Here are some essential commands to get you started:

  1. Creating an Archive:

    To create a new archive, use the 7z command followed by the archive name and the files you want to include:

    7z a archive.7z file1.txt file2.txt directory/
  2. Extracting Files:

    Extracting files from an archive is just as simple. Use the 7z command followed by the x flag and the archive name:

    7z x archive.7z
  3. Listing Contents:

    To view the contents of an archive without extracting it, use the l flag:

    7z l archive.7z
  4. Adding to an Existing Archive:

    You can add files to an existing archive by using the u flag:

    7z u archive.7z newfile.txt


7-Zip is a powerful compression tool that can streamline file management and reduce storage space on your Linux system. By installing and mastering 7-Zip’s command-line interface, you’ll be equipped to efficiently compress, extract, and manage various archive formats, enhancing your productivity and organization skills. Whether you’re handling personal files or managing server backups, 7-Zip proves to be an indispensable utility for Linux users seeking optimal compression solutions.


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